Coding Standards

The importance of following coding standards

Towards the beginning of my journey as a .NET developer, I had previously not focused on the importance of following coding standards in the professional world. At the time, I was under the impression that writing comments to explain code would be more important. 

I made the subconscious mistake of assuming that other developers operate and solve problems in a similar manner as myself. This may sometimes go both ways, which is why it is crucial to implement a collection of concrete rules and guidelines that determine procedures, methods, and the programming style of the codebase. 

I am fortunate to have worked with a phenomenal project manager and a team that emphasized the importance of following coding standards early on. I modified my code accordingly and created a new pull request after completing the first work item that was assigned to me through Azure DevOps. The task mainly involved the client-side. I made sure to thoroughly review and follow the specified JavaScript-related coding standard. Following explicitly defined standards will ultimately make the code easier to comprehend, expand upon, and maintain.


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